Friday, October 16, 2009

New Nuggets of the Spirit

"It's amazing how many people attribute their failures to something someone else said, done or thought, when that someone else hardly recalls doing such. Amazing!"

"Truth, my friends, is not something everybody can handle. So make sure if u want the truth, that u are first of all ready for it. Coz truth wont lie just to make people's lies the truth!"

"Dont just dream your dreams, LIVE your Dreams! Spending 10 years talkin about how you wanna do this or that and never getting started, that's not the real you! Something's holding you back, so grab a hold of yerself and just get going...

Kenii Gambo is confident in God's joy & love. I may feel down right now, but I know heaven's designing a new happiness package just for me. How do I know? The Bible tells me so!"

Kenii Gambo "I'm from Alkebu, the province of Nubia, descendent of Kenani, from the Haribu peoples. That's who I am, 100% Alkebu-lan!"

"Deep down in the valleys, the mountains look SO beautiful, high up on the mountains the valley so peaceful!"

" It's another God inspired and designed day today! When the angels did the roll call on who's getting the gift of today, your name was called out this morning. Yeah that's why it's called your PRESENT! Now let's all toast to TODAY!"

"I'm na be me today, 100% God designed me! No duplicate or replicate or copy of nobody. Coz Me, I best knows how to be Me! And that's why I ain't being nobody but Me! And that's tha word today coming guessed it....ME!

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